Hurricane Information

Hurricane InfoThis page provides current and pertinent links to available information in the event that Eglin and its personnel experience hurricane conditions.  The links will better prepare Airmen and their families if a hurricane strikes your area.

For vital preparedness checklist and more information, visit the Air Force's Be Ready page or DOD's hurricane page.

Please verify and update AFPAAS by logging into the Air Force Portal

Stay up to date and current on all hurricane matters affecting Eglin Air Force Base by visiting the base website or following Team Eglin on Facebook.  


Preparedness videos

Three Simple Rules

Get a Kit - Assemble a collection of first aid supplies, food, water, medicines, and important papers that can sustain you and your family until the emergency passes.

Make a Plan - You and your family members may not be together when an emergency strikes. Planning ahead will improve your chances of keeping in touch, staying safe, and quickly reuniting.

Be Prepared - Anticipate emergencies most likely to affect you and your family. This guide will help you think through the basics of preparing yourself and your family for all hazards.

Hurricane Conditions

HURCON 5: Indicates surface winds in excess of 58 mph (50 knots) could arrive within 96 hours.

HURCON 4: Indicates surface winds in excess of 58 mph (50 knots) could arrive within 72 hours.

HURCON 3: Indicates surface winds in excess of 58 mph could arrive within 48 hours.

HURCON 2: Indicates surface winds in excess of 58 mph could arrive within 24 hours.

HURCON 1: Indicates surface winds in excess of 58 mph could arrive within 12 hours.

HURCON 1C - Caution: Winds of 40-57 mph/35-49 knots sustained are occurring.

HURCON 1E - Emergency: Winds of 58 mph/50 knots sustained and/or gusts of 69 mph/60 kts or greater are occurring.  All outside activity is strictly prohibited. 

HURCON 1R - Recovery: Destructive winds have subsided and are no longer forecast to occur; survey and work crews are permitted to determine the extent of the damage and to establish safe zones around hazards (e.g. downed power lines, unstable structures). Non-essential personnel are asked to remain indoors.