AFMC promotes wellness screening campaign

  • Published
  • By Air Force Materiel Command Wellness Support Center
Civilian Health Promotion Services offer wellness screenings that measure numbers needed to know to safeguard health. The Cardiac Risk Profile screening measures blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, and blood sugar. These numbers provide a glimpse of your health status and risk for certain diseases and conditions.

Elevated cholesterol may lead to atherosclerosis, or fatty deposits in the inner lining of arteries, which can cause a heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard, and the high force of the blood flow can harm arteries and organs such as the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes. People who have excess body fat are at higher risk for health problems, especially if a lot of fat is located in the waist area. Frequent or ongoing high blood sugar can cause damage to nerves, blood vessels, and organs.

Knowing the numbers can assist in monitoring health status. Early identification and management of risk factors can help individuals stay healthy and live a long, productive life.

To participate in a CHPS wellness screening and healthy lifestyle behavior programs, contact your local CHPS team or visit