Eglin trains voting assistance officers

  • Published
  • By Kevin Gaddie
  • Team Eglin Public Affairs

Unit voting assistance officers received training here Jan. 17.

Attendees from Eglin, surrounding bases and geographically separated units trained on voter registration and the absentee ballot voting process.  

“We want to make sure UVAOs have the knowledge and tools they need to assist personnel with the voting process,” said Mary Davis, voting program manager.

Federal Voting Assistance Program personnel from Alexandria, Va. conducted the training.  They and the Airman and Family Readiness Center provided resources for the attendees to take back to their units.

“Active duty service members and their families aren’t usually in their homes of resident and can’t go to a polling station on election day,” said Brian Griffiths, FVAP senior program analyst.  “We’re here to make it easier for them to participate in the process.” 

Voting is a duty and a responsibility for all Americans, Griffiths said.

2nd Lt. Megan Payne, 16th Electronic Warfare Squadron’s voting assistance representative, found the training helpful.

“This training will help give my squadron what they need to vote, whether they’re voting in U.S. or by absentee ballot,” she said.  “I’ll also make sure our deployed members’ voting information is updated.”

Davis emphasized the importance of voting.

“We are in an important election year,” she said.  “Every member has the right to vote.  We want to provide our members the guidance they need when voting in local and national elections.” 

For more information, visit the FVAP website,contact the A&FRC at 882-9060 or a UVAO.