AFMC We Need receives $5 million in funding

  • Published
  • By Marisa Alia-Novobilski
  • Air Force Materiel Command

The Air Force Materiel Command released $5 million in funding for projects across the mission as it continues to drive towards the goals of the AFMC We Need.

The projects, tied directly to command lines of effort, range from facilities and infrastructure improvements to information technology, dorm improvements, training tools and more.

“Several hundred requirements, totaling over half a billion dollars, were submitted this year as part of the AFMC We Need data call. Our team reviewed and prioritized the requests, working closely with functional experts and AFMC leaders at the wing, center and headquarters level. I’m thrilled that we are able to fund a number of really high impact projects across the command.” said Kim Norman, director, Commander’s Accelerated Initiatives Office. “These projects are going to make a real difference to our Airmen, and they play a key role in our continuous efforts to become the AFMC We Need.”

At the top of the list, receiving nearly $2 million in funding, is the command-wide implementation of a Robins Air Force Base application that minimizes the administrative burden of obtaining network systems access for new personnel. Moving this local web application to a cloud environment not only ties in with AFMC's Digital Campaign, but addresses a major administrative concern raised by AFMC Airmen.

“This was the second line of effort related to system access that the team took on. The first was providing a path for commanders to accelerate basic network access for new civilian employees, reducing the average wait time from 10 days to a single day. This new effort will allow for continued expeditious completion while providing a tracking mechanism as well as a repository of approved 2875s,” said Norman. “This is a big win for us and will help ensure our Airmen have the tools they need to hit the ground running.”

More than $2.4 million was allotted to infrastructure improvement needs across the command. These projects include restroom renovations, dorm room furnishing and appliances, fitness facilities, sidewalk repairs, mold mitigation, paint and more.  Forty-five thousand dollars was designated for lactation pods to be purchased, providing nursing mothers a space to nurse and to meet Air Force requirements.

“To deliver cutting-edge technology and support for our warfighters, we need to have the facilities and infrastructure to support a world-class force,” said Norman.

The list of funded projects include:

  • Automated E-2875 Cloud Tool
  • Civilian Discipline Automated Tracking Tool
  • Bulk laptop purchase - Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
  • Network expansion switches - Edwards Air Force Base
  • Restroom renovations at multiple locations
  • Dorm room furnishings, appliances - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
  • Dormitory repairs - Hill Air Force Base
  • Paint, mold mitigation - Tinker Air Force Base
  • Lactation pods, other building repairs - Wright-Patterson AFB
  • Innovation Center electrical upgrades - Eglin Air Force Base
  • Equal Opportunity office expansion - Tinker AFB
  • Parking lot repair, reconfiguration - AEDC
  • New facility sidewalk installation - Tinker AFB
  • Fitness facilities improvements - Eglin AFB
  • ZoomGov training licenses – Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center

The Commander’s Accelerated Initiatives Office continues to work with Airmen and leaders across the command to identify barriers and solutions to continue moving toward the AFMC We Need.

For more information on the AFMC We Need an ongoing efforts, visit