Prayer Breakfast calls faith an ROE for success

EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- Entering the Army Air Corps at the close of World War II as a black teenager from the segregated South with hopes of opportunity and advancement definitely required prayer.

The rules of engagement on how to succeed in the Air Force are virtually the same so Chief Master Sgt. (ret.) Walter Richardson was able to relate his journey that began in 1949 with today's generation at Eglin's annual National Prayer Breakfast Feb. 20.

"We have a manual that describes the way to be successful, the Holy Bible," said the Tuskegee Airman. "The Sunday after I started basic training, we went to church and I was so pleased, because that same manual was in every pew. I knew I had a place to retreat when things got tough."

Holding on to two verses, one about keeping God first in all things and the other advising to trust God in all ways over your own intelligence, are the backdrop to the challenges Richardson faced as part the first group of racially integrated military members. Following the faith of his single mother, he learned to rely on a higher power knowing that foundation was necessary for success. Then to rise to the highest enlisted rank, he would have to persevere following what his school teacher taught him as the 11th commandment, "thou shall not quit."

"The National Prayer Breakfast acknowledges we have freedom of religion, showing the diversity which makes our country special," said Col. Antonio Douglas, 96th Test Wing vice commander. "Storms and challenges are a part of life, but faith gets us through."

The scripture verses Richardson read taught a reliance on self and something greater. Each story describing successes and failures of people throughout history documented in the text shows success with the same personal character of the nation's military heroes.

"Our country has a spiritual theme; in God we trust. It is fitting to pause for a while and have a national moment of prayer," said Richardson. "Vietnam, the Philippines...doesn't matter; I would find my Father's house wherever I went."

Seeking quiet moments to allow God to intervene in his life proved to be vital along his 30-year journey as an enlisted leader of a new service and newly integrated military, he said.

"The wisdom of God is available in all chapels worldwide," he said.

No different, the Eglin chapel hosted the breakfast with prayers from Jewish, Islamic and Christian faiths before hearing the testimony of the Tuskegee Airman that guests found inspiring.

He said the measure of his success is not based on accomplishments journeyed like being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, serving as a Tuskegee Airman or starting his own business. Instead, he said it was based on how he served others, helping them in need along his way.

"When I attended the inauguration in Washington D.C, the phrase was 'our people, our future;' it's your future," said Richardson. "You are the people charged with the responsibility to keep our nation on course, keep the vision on the path ahead and take down the rear view mirror. We pass on a future more integrated, more diversified in culture, religions and practices. This is America."

The final prayer of the breakfast reflected on the challenge not to quit, but to rise to the occasion with the lead of the Creator endowing strength, courage and resolve as those who served before.

"Regardless of a specific religion, we are here because we have faith," said Douglas.