Space squadron begins exterior renovation

  • Published
  • By Sara Francis
  • Team Eglin Public Affairs
The 20th Space Control Squadron began a four-month-long renovation project to replace the protective cover on the site's radar here March 1.

The TEFLON-like radar cover needs 10 stories replaced on one side and seven stories on an opposing side.  Due to the location of the radar, the construction will not affect any activity on Eglin, but any air traffic near the site will certainly notice that major upgrades are underway.

The squadron's commander, Lt. Col. Mafwa Kuvibidila, described the project as a necessity to protect the radar equipment and the people inside from the elements.

"The cover that surrounds both sides of the radar face has a lifespan of about 10-15 years depending on weather conditions." said Kuvibidila. "It is at the 14-year point.  It is one of a few different layers used to protect the radar equipment."

The length of project's duration directly relates to the size of the undertaking. The cover is made up of three parts with a combined weight of over 26,000 pounds.   More than 60 contractors will remove the old cover by slicing the old one into layers, clean and repair the radar's surface, and eventually place the new cover on.

While this project may only be noticeable from the air, there will be plenty to see for anyone flying overhead.

"They may see people rappelling off of the face as they make necessary repairs or clean accordingly," said the commander.

After the project is complete, the equipment will continue its United States Strategic Command mission of tracking and identifying over 23,000 objects in space. 

For more information about the 20th SCS, click here.