WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Just over a year ago, we published the 2016 AFMC Strategic Plan to outline how we would support the Air Force Strategy. We had a number of successes under this plan; however, by the end of 2016 it became clear there were opportunities for us to do better. We amended our strategy through a series of leadership engagements culminating in the 2017 Spring Senior Leader Conference, which reinvigorated our vision, goals, and objectives.
The new AFMC vision statement is: "Innovative Airmen, trusted and empowered, creating agile, cost-effective war-winning capabilities for the Nation." The change encourages our Airmen, who are trusted and empowered on a daily basis, to serve as the key element of delivering capabilities. Our vision highlights the elements of agility and cost-effectiveness; while simultaneously emphasizing how AFMC delivers capabilities serving the entire nation. The command mission statement, "Deliver and support agile war-winning capabilities," remains unchanged, but we overhauled three of AFMC's four strategic goals.
- We emphasize the value and commitment of AFMC's 80,000-strong workforce by showcasing them in the first goal: "Strengthen and enhance the effectiveness and resiliency of the total workforce."
- The command's determination to become more agile in its delivery of capabilities to the Air Force is highlighted in its second goal: "Increase agility to improve AFMC support to the Air Force Enterprise."
- The third goal, "Drive cost-effectiveness into the capabilities we provide," remains unchanged and reflects AFMC's commitment to manage every dollar in the most effective, responsible way. AFMC is the cost conscience of the Air Force.
- The fourth, and newest, goal pushes AFMC to deliver and maintain technologies that give the warfighter the tools to win. The goal is: "Rapidly develop, transition, and deploy technology to assure our warfighting advantage."
The full 2017 AFMC Strategic Plan can be found at the AFMC website.
As we embrace this evolution in the months ahead, I'm confident our AFMC team will lead the Air Force in providing agile responsiveness to the warfighter's needs.