Spring Break safety awareness message

  • Published
  • By Maj. Gen. Charles R. Davis
  • Air Armament Center commander
Spring Break is quickly approaching the Gulf Coast. It officially starts March 14, 2011. As warm weather arrives, it's imperative we reiterate the importance of safety and risk management. The increased participation of outdoor sports and recreation is directly linked to DUI's & numerous life threatening mishaps. This spring our goal is zero preventable mishaps.

The safety message encourages all to have fun with family, friends and fellow Airmen, but highlights ways to minimize risk, such as rejecting reckless behavior by using the right protective equipment and employing sound risk management techniques.

When operating a motorcycle, wear all your personal protective equipment, slow down when approaching an intersection or curve, drive defensively and watch closely the actions of those around you. In many motorcycle fatalities other drivers are quoted as saying, "I looked, but I never saw him."

If drinking is in your plan then don't plan on operating a motor vehicle. In fact, don't drink to excess regardless as your reasoning capacity will be impaired. Never swim alone and never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The water is no place to have impaired judgment or motor skills.

I expect all commanders and supervisors to have a personal discussion with each of their airmen and find out what activities are planned; provide sound mentorship and help them evaluate the risks they may face. Cover all the bases: cell phones, texting, seat belts, defensive driving, motorcycle issues, speeding, water sports safety and responsible drinking.

Finally, be a good wingman and encourage others to do the same. Be a good wingman for your family, your friends and your co-workers. You are accountable for your actions and those around you "Airmen taking care of Airmen" on and off-duty. Have a wonderful Spring Break.