Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

  • Published
  • By Gen. Mark Welsh
  • Chief of Staff of the Air Force
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month for the Department of Defense.  This year's theme is "Eliminate Sexual Assault.  Know Your Part.  Do Your Part."

Every Airman, at every level of our Air Force, has a unique role in preventing this crime and, when prevention fails, responding to it.  Each of us has a responsibility to foster a culture of dignity and respect and actively work to eliminate behavior that doesn't value each and every person as critically important to our team.  When we see such behavior, we have a moral obligation to identify it as unacceptable and ensure those displaying it understands we will not tolerate it.  We also share the responsibility to act if we see inappropriate behavior unfolding.  We do not tolerate sexual harassment and assault.  They are completely contrary to our Core Values...those who don't understand that need to find a new line of work.

In those terrible instances when a sexual assault does occur, we also share a commitment to care for the victim in every way possible:  to provide them dedicated legal support, a thorough, timely investigation, the proper legal outcome, and whatever care they require.  We must ensure they know we are there to help them, and do everything in our power to eliminate even the slightest hint of professional or personal retaliation of any type against them.

I ask that each of you dedicate yourself to this effort.  There's only one acceptable goal and that's an Air Force free from sexual assault.  We can't get there without you!

Eglin's activities for this month are as follows:

April 16 - Gate Watch, 7 - 8 a.m., East and West Gates

April 22 - Victim Advocate Walk Around, 8:30 - 10 a.m. and 1:30 - 2:30 p.m., various Eglin facilities

April 30 - 5K Color Run, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., CE Pavilion

For more information, call 882-2122.