Sept. 24, 2018 POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremony The 96th Test Wing hosted a POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremony Sept. 21 at the Air Force Armament Museum to remember America’s prisoners of war, those still missing in action and their families.
Aug. 21, 2017 Honor Guard teaches kids flag etiquette 96th Test Wing Honor Guard visits Eglin Elementary School to teach the fourth grade safety patrol members proper flag etiquette.
June 26, 2017 Airmen awarded medals for heroism Three 96th Communications Squadron members put their Self Aid Buddy Care training to the test when a cable surveying assignment turned into a rescue mission earlier this year.
June 19, 2017 Honor Guard performs first flag retirement on Flag Day Eglin and Hurlburt Field Honor Guard Airmen perform their first flag retirement ceremony with American Legion Post 235 from Fort Walton Beach on Flag Day.