Commentary Search

  • Peace on Earth begins at home

    Buying gifts, baking cookies and decorating and maintaining a clean home - as a Family Advocacy Outreach manager, I see and understand the challenge of keeping peace during the holiday season. Sometimes the easiest way to deal with challenges is to pause and look at all possible solutions before

  • Silent Witnesses

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month and the purple flyers represent Eglin’s participation in the Silent Witness project.

  • “Be There” to help prevent suicide

    My name is Capt. Alexis Fletes, a psychologist at the 96th Medical Group, and the new Suicide Prevention Program manager.September is Suicide Prevention Month.  We usually hear about suicide prevention from the required mandatory annual training we attend.  This is such an important topic and it

  • Domestic abuse: help is available

    Eglin’s Family Advocacy Program offers prevention and intervention to military families who have experienced or are at risk of domestic abuse. One valuable resource offered by the program is the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate. The DAVA provides services to adult victims of domestic abuse.