EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This year’s theme is “Be The One To Stop Suicide Before It Starts.” The month is set aside each year to bring heightened awareness to suicide prevention.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. averages 123 suicides each day.
Dr. Wendy Blevins, Eglin’s violence prevention integrator, said Eglin takes the month to look at suicide causes and strengthen the fight against them. She cited two ways the base community can help prevent suicides.
“Number one - listen without judgment, and with compassion and empathy,’” she said. “Number two - share your knowledge of available resources.”
Blevins said Team Eglin also focuses on increasing connectedness and inclusion across the base.
"We have to be each other's Wingman and take care of each other," she said.
Blevins said Eglin now has access to Neuroflow, a free application that provides confidential, secure, easy to use resiliency and readiness building activities. Users can journal, practice mindfulness, and other skills. Users can be compensated for participating with gift cards. Service members, spouses and their partners are eligible to enroll.
She encouraged participation in the following event:
A Leader's Guide to the Employee Assistance Program - Sep. 20, 3 p.m. Log on at the link to attend virtually. The webinar will be recorded and will be available for viewing seven to 10 days after the live event at this link.
For more information, call 882-4338.