• 30-MW solar energy project begins at Eglin

    As part of an Air Force Community Partnership and Energy Program initiative, the Air Force and Gulf Power Company signed an Enhanced Use Lease Nov. 24 to develop a 30-megawatt photovoltaic solar energy project on a 240-acre parcel of land on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.The mutually beneficial

  • Eglin celebrates America Recycles Day 2015

    What's "here today" doesn't have to be "gone tomorrow."Reducing or reusing the things we come in daily contact with should be a priority in this world of shrinking resources and recycling should be the next step.  That's the message Eglin's Qualified Recycling Program manager, Michael Vannoy, wants

  • Target rubble becomes fish sanctuary

    Thanks to collaboration between Eglin and the community, local sportsmen have a new haven to view and catch fish in the Gulf of Mexico.Two artificial reefs were created Nov. 4 from approximately 2,000 tons of concrete material provided by the Air Force Research Laboratory.  The concrete pieces were

  • Team Eglin wins 2015 federal energy award

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program  has chosen the 96th Civil Engineer Group as the recipient of the 2015 Energy and Water Conservation Award.The award recognizes Eglin's innovative approach for combining advanced technologies and common sense to saving critical energy

  • Range police protect, serve range community, mission

    Much like local beach community police prepare for their "busy" season in the summer, the Range police officers prepare for the increased range activity as their "peak" season begins this week. Each year, range activity spikes with the beginning of hunting season in late October and continues

  • Timberlake Pond closure

    Timberlake Pond is closed for recreation and fishing while being renovated with a new dam structure and spillway. The pond will reopen for recreation only in the Spring and include a non-motorized vehicle path for bikes and foot traffic and an improved camping area and day use area.Mountain bikers

  • Memorial Trail to get facelift

    The 96th Civil Engineer Group will soon take the thrill out of driving to the base commissary on Memorial Trail.Anyone who's driven Memorial Trail is familiar with the rollercoaster-like dips between the base commissary and the FamCamp. Hit the dip at the right speed and you might feel like you're

  • Traffic pattern changes begin near West gate

    The 96th Civil Engineer Group advises motorists coming onto or leaving the base through the West gate to take note as they approach the West gate chapel on Eglin Boulevard. They will soon experience new traffic patterns to increase safety.The road work is expected to be finished July 10 and new